AIIMS Jodhpur Jobs Notification for the Post of Nursing, Assistant and others of 105 Posts - Apply Now

105 vacancies
16,000 - 60,000

All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Jodhpur Has recently announced latest recruitment notification for the post of Assistant Nursing Superintendent, Medico Social Services Office Grade I, Artist, Social Worker, Data Entry Operator, Senior Administrative Assistant, Cashier, Store Keeper Clerk, Junior Administrative Assistant of 105 Post Vacancies. Interested candidates who are applying must have the minimum educational qualifications in 12th, Degree, Diploma, B.Sc, MA/MSW can apply this jobs.

Name of Post: Assistant Nursing Superintendent, Medico Social Services Office Grade I, Artist, Social Worker, Data Entry Operator, Senior Administrative Assistant, Cashier, Store Keeper Clerk, Junior Administrative Assistant

No. of Vacancies: 105 Vacancies

Name of the PostNo.of PostsEducational QualificationsAge Limit
Junior Administrative Assistant 2512th18 to 30 Years
Store Keeper Clerk21Any DegreeMax 30 Years
Cashier0321 to 30 Years
Senior Administrative Assistant 03
Data Entry Operator Grade-A0212th18 to 27 Years
Social Worker0218 to 35 Years
Artist(Modellar)14Diploma21 to 35 Years
Medico Social Service Officer Grade I15MA/MSW
Assistant Nursing Superintendent 20B.Sc

Education Qualifications: Candidates who have completed their edcational qualificaions in B.Sc, MA/MSW, 12th, Diploma, Degree can apply this recruitment notification.

Age Limit: People who have minimum age of 18 years and Maximum age of 35 years can apply this notification. age relaxation is applied as per rules.

Application Fee:
Fees for Candidates General/OBC/EWS: 3000/-rs.
Fees for Candidates SC/ST: 2400/-rs.
Fees for Candidates PWBD: NIL

Payment Mode: Candidates have to pay the application fee through SBI Collect only.

Pay Scale:
Candidates will be paid Minimum of Rs-16000/-
Candidates will be paid Maximum of Rs-60000/-

How to Apply:

Visit the Official Website for application form.
Go through the recruitment notification.
Download the application form.
Fill the details submit the through online.

Important Dates:
Starting Date for online payment from 16th Oct 2023
closing date for online payment is 20 days from start.