BMRCL Jobs for Notification for Chief Engineer of 08 Posts Vacancies - Apply Now

8 vacancies
85,000 - 165,000

Bangalore Metro Rail Corporation Limited has announced latest recruitment jobs notification for the Chief Engineer, Additional Chief Engineer, Deputy Chief Engineer, Executive Engineer of 08 Posts. candidates who have completed Educational qualifications in Degree in Electrical, Electrical and Electronics Engineer, Degree,, Diploma, B.E/B.Tech in Electrical, Electronics and Communication, CS, Civil, Mechanical Engineering. candidates who are eligible should have the minimum age of 45 and maximum of 58 years can apply this job notification through online.

Name of PostsNo.of VacanciesEducational Qualifications
Chief Engineer01Degree in Electrical, Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Deputy Chief Engineer04 Degree, M.Sc, Diploma, B.E/B.Tech in Electrical, Electronics and Communication, CS, Civil, Mechanical ENgineering
Execuitve Engineer01Diploma, B.E/B.Tech in Electrical and Electronics, Electronics and Communication Engineering
Additional Chief Engineer02Degree in Electrical Engineering

No. of Vacancies: 08 Vacancies

Education Qualifications: Candidates who have completed their edcational qualificaions in Degree in Electrical, Electrical and Electronics Engineer, Degree,, Diploma, B.E/B.Tech in Electrical, Electronics and Communication, CS, Civil, Mechanical Engineering can apply this recruitment notification.

Age Limit: People who have minimum of 45 years and maximum of 58 years can apply this notification. age relaxation is applied as per rules.

Selection Process: 

Selection will be based on interview.

Pay Scale:
Candidates will be paid Minimum of Rs- 85000/-
Candidates will be paid Maximum of Rs- 165000/-

How to Apply:

  • Visit the Official Website for application form.
  • Go through the recruitment notification.
  • Download the application form.
  • Fill the details and submit through online.

Important Dates:
Starting Date for online payment from 26th Sep 2023.
closing date for online payment is 25th Oct 2023.

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