Cochin Shipyard Jobs Notification for the Post of Semi Skilled Rigger and Safety Assistant

95 vacancies
22,100 - 22,800

Cochin Shipyard LTD has recently announed latest recruitment notification for the post of Semi Skilled Rigger, Safety Assistant of 95 Post Vacancies. Interested candidates who are applying must have to complete their educational qualifications in SSLC and 4th can apply this notification. candidates who are applying must have the minimum age limit of 30 years can apply this notification on or before the given last date.

Name of Post: Semi Skilled Rigger, Safety Assistant

No. of Vacancies: 95 Vacancies

Education Qualifications: Candidates who have completed their edcational qualificaions in SSLC, 4th can apply this recruitment notification.

Age Limit: People who have minimum age of 18 years and Maximum age of 30 years can apply this notification. age relaxation is applied as per rules.

Application Fee:
Fees for Candidates General/OBC: 200/-rs.
Fees for Candidates SC/ST/EWS: NIL.

Payment Mode: Candidates have to pay the application fee through Online by using Debit Card, Credit Card, Internet Banking, Wallets, UPI only.

Pay Scale:
Candidates will be paid Minimum of Rs- 22100/-
Candidates will be paid Maximum of Rs- 23400/-

How to Apply:

Visit the Official Website for application form.
Go through the recruitment notification.
Download the application form.
Fill the details submit the through online.

Important Dates:
Starting Date for online payment from 6th Oct 2023
closing date for online payment is 21st Oct 2023.

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