General Knowledge

339 General Knowledge Found

List of power plants in India is an integral part of all the Government exams. Government exams like SSC Exams, IBPS Exams, and other competitive exams. If you are preparing for any government exam, then power plants in India list are important for you. Knowing about the Important nuclear power plants in India will help you to score well in the exam. We are providing you with the

We are providing you with the complete information regarding Physics Awareness. Our team made a complete research on Physics subject and given you the important questions that are frequently asked in all the competitive exams. Make a better use of the article by taking notes which will help for the better score in exams. This Physics Awareness will help you in getting more Knowledge w

Different Countries play Different sports. National Sports are chosen on the basis of Tradition or popularity. National Sports of Countries represent the culture and values of that country. Here, we have a list of National Sports of different countries for candidates preparing for various competitive exams. Official National Sports of Countries | Sports in the World

Do you know which is the world’s largest Island or which is the shortest day of the year? Read the article to know the answer to these questions. We have compiled a list of world’s largest and smallest, longest, tallest, etc., These questions can be asked in any exams like SSC, RRB, IBPS and other bank exams. So, read the article to improve your GK Quotient and help you prepare for

We are giving you the list of notable World Stadiums of different sports. Read the article on List of stadiums in the world which will help you in attaining more General Knowledge. By reading this you can know which is the smallest stadiums in the world and the largest football stadium in the world.     List of World Stadi

Candidates read the famous waterfalls in India which are provided below. Make use of famous waterfalls in India with names which will help you in gaining more General Knowledge. Make notes of waterfalls in India gk with which you can gain

Candidates we have collected the List of stadiums in India which will help you for scoring better marks in competitive exams. Make use of the article on cricket stadiums in India, stadiums in India map which will help for your General Knowledge. We hope the article on the big stadium in India will help you in a better way. List of Stadiums in India

Dear Viewers, we all know the popularity of cricket in the whole world. Similarly, the basic general knowledge questions also play a vital role in the competitive exams. Our portal is presenting you a sports quiz questions with answers pdf. So be ready to solve it and pre

If you are interested in knowing the answer to these questions read the following article on Top richest people in the world. Let’s find out in this article, where we list the top 10 richest people in the world as of 2024. These Richest People in the World are the game-changers and the people who have helped transform the world. Richest People in the World | 50 Richest People in

Candidates we provided you with the list of Prime Ministers of India till date. Read the article about the List of Prime Ministers of India till date which will help you for scoring good marks in competitive exams. Since independence, India has seen 14 full-time Prime Ministers. Pt Jawaharlal Nehru of the Indian National Congress was the first Prime Minister of free India in the